Commercial Strip and Seal Services


Flooring Services

The Best Concrete Polishing

Strip and Seal Service

We provide unique Strip and Seal options at Willpok Cleaning Solutions in Tasmania and Victoria, that will make your old floors appear amazing and appealing.

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Benefits of Strip and Seal Flooring Services

Below are some of the benefits of using our services:

Surface stress, wear and tear, and other problems may arise with time. Old concrete allows moisture from underneath to penetrate and damage surface treatment like paints.

The floor surface cracks over time due to changes in temperature and moisture settling, forcing constructors to use patching materials to hide the gaps. Concrete polishing removes the old top surface, leaving the floor with an abrasion-resistant shiny surface that is easy to maintain.

The Strip and Seal services does not deplete any natural resource. Strip and Seal requires a little amount of electricity from start to finish. Vinyl floor is also preferred indoors because it does not encourage the growth of molds, mildew, and odors.

This means that properly floors will not put you at risk of mold damage. Furthermore, old Vinyl that needs to be replaced can be recycled.

Strip and seal turns the floor into a dense, tightened base that repels oil, water, and other contamination. This thick enough foundation blocks contaminants from penetrating the surface., which creates a stain-resistant floor.

The polished surface of the floor has reflective properties. The reflective surface helps light up the facility reducing, reducing energy bills in return. In addition, ambient lighting penetrates light everywhere, making products visible and increasing the safety of people walking by as they can see everything in their way.

Many people think that all shiny surfaces are slippery. However, when it comes to polished floors, the mechanical grinding of the floor has an increased coefficient of friction compared to other floors.

Most floors require regular moping and aggressive scrubbing. However, a polished floor is highly compacted, reducing the development of stains. As a result, polished floors don’t need any stripping treatments or the use of waxing to maintain the floor.

The tiny particles from unpolished floors are usually pushed to the surface, resulting in efflorescence. Efflorescence brings about dusting, forcing epoxies off the surface floor.

A polished floor is dust resistant, therefore minimizing the cost of maintaining the floor.

Strip and Seal preparation

Floor coating contractors focus on the mechanical process of grinding the floor into a smooth surface using professional grinding equipment. Each stage uses a different coarse of grinding to get the smoothness level required and desired gloss. 

The Polishing Process

The polishing process involves surface preparation, concrete grinding, and polishing.

Surface Preparation

Proper preparation in floors polishing leaves the surface dry and with no dust, dirt, or grease. It decides the outcome of the polished surface. Removing surface contaminants allows materials to contact the substrate directly, thereby increasing the anchorage of materials applied and the surface area. Steps followed when preparing a concrete surface; Resurfacing and removing unsound concrete from the surface of the concrete.

Any material that can prevent bonding between the overlay and the surface, such as grease, oil, and dirt, is removed. The surface is then roughened to prepare it for an overlay.

Equipment used for grinding in the polishing process is diamond coated. Floors polishing can be done when old surfaces are refurbished, or new ones are made. The polishing process is durable at a low cost. The floor surface is then polished using a seal to give the floor a shiny surface. 

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